The project SaLT (Speech and language tools for early intervention for teachers) aims at creating speech and language tools for teachers to help them in their early intervention.


The SaLT project is divided into 4 main results called Work Packages (WP), with specific activities and tasks.

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Work package n°1 – Benchmarks for speech and language support and the educational report

This Work Package will be describing the nature and characteristics of speech and language support at initial education.

The WP1 will be composed of the following documents:
– A national desk research report for legal regulations on speech and language support at early childhood education
– A comparative desk research report for legal regulations on speech and language support at early childhood education
– A booklet about good practices of speech and language support systems in the various partner countries
Benchmarks for speech and language support and the educational report.

The objectives of this work package are:
1. To understand the legal regulations on speech and language support in early childhood education.
2. To increase the knowledge of good practices about speech and language support systems in the partner countries.


Click here to read this document: Benchmarks for speech and language support and educational report

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Work package n°2 – Speech and language support online tools

A free mobile application will be designed for teachers, parents and carers of children with speech,language and communication needs with the aim to assess, define and boost students’ speech and language skills.

Project partners will identify gaps in the currently available free technologies for the assessment and therapy of speech, language and communication needs and develop tools that bridge those gaps.

This new mobile application will include the following components:
1. An age calculator
2. A speech & language articulation test
3. Practical exercises with images & sounds (flashcards). 

The main objectives of this work package are:
1. To increase knowledge of teachers on speech and language assessment, early intervention and practices.
2. To increase the speech and language performance of students who have some difficulties.

This mobile app will be a comprehensive online tool to be used by teachers, parents and students. There isn’t any similar free mobile app for educational purposes.

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Work package n°3 – Resource pack for teachers

A resource pack for teachers will be created for teachers and pedagogical staff working in kindergartens or primary schools.

It will include:
– Information about speech & language disorder
How speech & language disorder may affect a student in education settings
– Information on assessment strategies
Tips for teachers.

This guidance material will improve the early intervention of speech & language disorders by teachers at school with general information, assessment strategies, interventions and useful resources.

1. To increase the confidence of teachers and pedagogical staff in working with students who have speech & language disorders such as articulation, voice, fluency, expression etc.
2. To raise awareness of teachers on how to use the mobile app (developed in WP2) with an educative support plan.
3. To increase the attention of target groups and beneficiaries to use project results
4. To understand the speech & language support at early childhood age.

Discussion outline

Work package n°4 – Policy Report: Effective use of speech and language tools for early intervention by teachers

A policy report will be written. It will include the following :
– General information about the project
– A presentation of the tools created during the project
– The results of the pilot activities
Recommendations for the effective use of the the tools created during the project.

The objectives of this work package are:
– To explain the effective use of speech and language tools for early intervention by teachers.
– To increase a sense of initiative for the result of these pilot activities.
– To increase the knowledge of the target groups with a summarized comparative report analysis
– To publish a policy report to explain the methodology and results of the project
– To reach out to academics, policymakers, pedagogical staff and parents around Europe to extend the impact of the project results.

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With the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

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The educational content produced in this project is proposed under the Creative Commons licence.

Project Reference Number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000084953